Monday 18 August 2014


Grihastasrama (Household Monastery)

After completing the Bramhacharya Ashrama at the age of 26, when people have became educated and skilful to deal with professional life. This is the time to get educated for personal life. Normal social behaviours are learned at the gurukul only. But new relations and relations with opposite sex person are still not learn. This can only be learned in grihastashram.

Once a person leaves gurukul at the age of 26 and reach back to own home the grihastashram shiksha starts from the moment. This person is put in a marriage relationship as early as possible after he returns from gurukul.

In the Gupta Dynasty yuga, Courtesans are used to teach new men coming out of gurukuls about relations with female and  understanding their needs, before they actually marry.

In ancient Bharat the moto of living human life was clearly to get "Moksh" or Salvation. Grihastashram makes a Man (Male Human) complete after he gets his better half (Ardhangini). A Woman (Female human being) becomes complete when she becomes mother. Only a complete person can move towards salvation in life. For my European friends, who have a philosophy of life giving importance to worldly pleasures (specially sexual pleasure) as life's main motto to gain (referring to Aristotle and Plato), marriage and getting a wife making a man complete does not men having met with a girl, marriage is a life time process of making a spiritual, emotional and physical bonding with full loyalty and respect for each other. Only then human becomes pure and ready to move forward for Salvation / Moksh. Next we will know about the third Asram : Vanprasth Ashram.     

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