Thursday 30 April 2015

Sanyasrama! Saint Monastery!

At the age of 70 years Its time to retire from Grihastashram! (Household Monastery) All the worldly achievement and trust for gains in this world must end now! But It is not easy! Detachment from Personal life is truly tough to do, for many tough people! This time a person have to devote time for society in large! It is time for philanthropy! Giving back to the society what you have gained all these days! Specially knowledge. Sharing own life experience with upcoming generations, earn "Punya" or Virtue! This is earning for the next journey ahead!

In our modern era, we at 70 think of  Status, build empires on the earned money, buy bungalows, land and property to make our next generation financially so secure that they can be 10 times ahead of other in the rat race coming forward!

But our Sanskrity taught us all the worldly things are perishable, even the body in which our Atman (equivalent sole)  resides. This Atman is immortal and is the smallest part of all the Shakti (equivalent energy) that is present in the universe that took shapes to make us feel united and collaborated! Which is eventually treated as GOD in Judaism and Christianity, and as Allah in Islam!
So before living the world we must detach ourselves from all the worldly things and try to earn virtue! That will be only thing which we can carry with our consciousness to the next level.  So It you are  70 odd of age Its time to move on!